Bond Cleaning in Toowoomba, Warwick & Surrounding Areas

What makes our bond cleaning services the best in Toowoomba, Warwick and surrounding areas?

Substantial Cleaning Services are a leading commercial and residential cleaning business with locations in Toowoomba and Warwick.

We’re bond cleaning specialists, offering thorough, effective and quality cleaning solutions.

Bond Cleaning

Our trusted clients

Want to book, or have a question for our bond cleaners?

Get in touch with our team today and ask them about
the bond cleaning services you need in Warwick or Toowoomba. Our friendly team are happy to answer any questions you may have, give you a quote and get you booked in for your bond cleaning.

Home Cleaning

10 years of Bond cleaning experience

With over 10 years of experience in providing high-quality cleaning services, and over 5 years in business, our team of skilled and experienced professional cleaners are dedicated to delivering exceptional results, every time. We have all of the latest cleaning equipment and products to take care of the bond cleaning requirements needed to get your bond back and successfully complete your exit cleaning requirements.

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The 5-star rated team

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Positive: Professionalism, Quality

They came and quote according the quality which needed cleaning ! Very honest as compare to the others ! Did very good job ! Thanks Harry !

Shivam Verma

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Used Substantial Cleaning Services to complete a bond clean for me.

Did an excellent job and I would highly recommend them

Colin Nivison-Smith

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A fantastic job is done for an end-of-lease clean in the house I was renting.

Hardik met me on the morning of the clean and went through everything, including optional extras so there were no surprises when it came to payment. The team did a great job removing the dust and dirt from 4 years of occupation! The bathroom turned out amazing but I was really impressed with the overall result.

Alex Rehan

10 years of Bond cleaning experience

Our bond cleaning services in Toowoomba and Warwick (and surrounding areas, like Clifton, Allora, and Stanthorpe) are second to none.

We pride ourselves on offering a much higher quality bond cleaning service, and a reasonable price, for excellent value. Our bond cleaning is a great investment to make sure that you get a good rental reference and get your bond back after leaving rental properties.

Our bond cleaning and move out cleaning services

Whether it’s a complete end of lease cleaning job to get your bond back after vacating a property, or a move out cleaning service organised after you vacate your owner-occupied property, we offer the full range of services.

Bond Cleaning

Here’s how we make your life easier

For renters vacating a tenancy:

We give you the best chances to get 100% of your bond money back

When moving out a rental property following a tenancy, cleaning the property properly is a crucial step to ensure a smooth transition. This makes the bond cleaning essential.

Landlords and property managers expect the rented property to be left in a clean and pristine condition for the next tenant to move in easily. If you don’t complete the cleaning properly, the real estate agency and landlord may charge you a cleaning fee, or even a fee for damage to the property. You could spend hours cleaning and have this happen, or you could simply run out of time. But it’s not all doom and gloom: our professional bond cleaners at Substantial Cleaning Services are here to help!

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We understand the importance of leaving the property in immaculate condition and offer high-quality cleaning services to help ensure you get a full refund of the deposited money from your bond after the final inspection.

We’re savvy to the real estate agent, property manager, property owner and RTA’s end of lease requirements for bond cleaning, and can ensure that you don’t need to come back for a second clean. We’ll save you hours of work, stress, and having to come back after you vacate the property.

With our expert bond cleaning services, you can move out of your tenancy with peace of mind, knowing that your property will be left spotless and in the condition expected by the real estate, lease agreement, and RTA. We offer a reasonable price to suit the job, and customise your quote based on what’s needed.

For the best chance of getting your full bond money back, book in your bond cleaning with us.

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We can take away so much of the stress of moving

Moving out after the end of your lease can be a stressful process. Not only is the move itself a huge undertaking, but so much dust, grime and general mess can add up to make your end of lease clean a huge task. But that’s where we come in. Substantial Cleaning offers a thorough and professional bond cleaning service to make your end-of-lease cleaning a breeze.

For real estate agents managing a property and property managers:

Restore your managed property to pristine condition, following a tenant leaving

At Substantial Cleaning Services, we understand the importance of leaving a rented property in pristine condition, for all parties involved.

Our cleaning service is thorough and detailed, and ensures that all areas of the property are immaculately clean. We guarantee that our services meet the standards required, and if any areas are not clean to a satisfactory level, we return to rectify it, free of charge.

man showing the property to a couple

With over 10 years experience as professional cleaners, we’re well-versed with the standards that property owners and property managers require a property be cleaned to at the end of a lease. We are committed to providing that.

We do the clean right the first time, meaning your time between tenants is fast and efficient, your property inspections are effective as the managed property is presented in the best light, and we save you time and admin in organising multiple rounds of cleaning.

Why not recommend us as an approved option for your tenants’ bond cleaning?

By choosing our professional bond cleaning services, you can rest assured that your properties will be thoroughly cleaned and ready for the next tenant to move in.

With our years of experience in the cleaning industry, we understand the expectations of property managers and owners when it comes to end of lease cleaning.

Our team of skilled and experienced cleaners are equipped with the latest cleaning tools and techniques to provide deep cleaning services, including carpet cleaning, to ensure that the property is left in a pristine condition.

With our bond cleaning services, you can enjoy the benefits of happy tenants, reduced vacancy rates, and a well-maintained property that attracts high-quality tenants.

Simply recommend our bond cleaning services to your tenants before they vacate and complete their final end-of-lease cleaning.

professional cleaner mopping the floor for a bond clean

For property owners:

Restore your property to pristine condition, following a tenant leaving

At Substantial Cleaning Services, we treat your property as if it was our own; with the utmost care and attention to detail.

For property owners, our thorough and efficient end of lease cleaning service helps you to:

someone handing over the house keys after a professional bond cleaning

Our bond cleaning services are designed to ensure that your property is left looking spotless. We offer a high-quality cleaning service, drawing from over 10 years of experience.

We’re well-versed in what the requirements are for cleaning and can ensure that everything is up to a high standard. We offer a reasonable price, and customise our quotes to suit your job and requirements.

So, whether your property just needs a small touch up, some finer deep cleaning details fixed up, or it needs a thorough, more-than-your-average overhaul, we can assist, and we’ll charge you a fair price for the amount of work required.


professional cleaner cleaning the carpet for a bond clean

We have fast response times and work efficiently and effectively.

Enlisting the help of Substantial Cleaning services will get the job done, whether you:

Get in touch with us today to request a quote, or ask your real estate agent or property manager to organise us to come and clean your property.

What makes our bond cleaning services the best in Toowoomba, Warwick and surrounding areas?

If you’re looking for complete bond cleaning, end of lease cleaning, or other move out cleaning services (like carpet cleaning and other deep cleaning services) in Toowoomba, Warwick, Clifton, Allora, Stanthorpe or other surrounding areas, you’ll of course be looking for a professional cleaning service that you can trust.

Here’s what makes our bond cleaning service the best.

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A full range of lease cleaning services

We offer the full range of bond cleaning and end of lease cleaning services, from ovens and cooktops, to walls and ceilings, to carpet cleaning, upholstery, windows, and just about everything else that a move out clean entails. We can provide a complete cleaning solution, whether you’re a tenant moving out, a property manager, or the owner of the property.

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We offer professional carpet cleaning services

Not all bond cleaners offer professional carpet cleaning, yet bond carpet cleaning is a task that is required in the rental contract of so many tenancies. At Substantial Cleaning, we offer a thorough bond carpet cleaning service that is effective and professional yet cost-efficient.

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Deep cleaning services, delivered faster

Our professional bond cleaners have significant experience in performing bond cleaning, which means that we work much more effectively and efficiently. This means that we can get your bond cleaning service completed quickly and to a high standard. End of lease cleaning is often a rush; we can help speed up the process while getting it done quickly. We believe in efficiency & high productivity during our visit to deliver your onsite cleaning.

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We’ll offer free cleaning inspections as part of the process

When you hire us to complete your move out cleaning services, we’ll also quickly inspect the property before we complete the cleaning, and give you our opinion as to how much work needs to be done, and whether there’s something you may have forgotten about. We won’t simply do what you’ve booked us for and then leave; we’ll always let you know if we think that something else needs to be added onto the cleaning job, in order to have the best chance of getting your bond back. Our trained team will visit the property and get the work done in a quick time after a thorough inspection.

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Over 10 years of experience and expertise in bond cleaning and end of lease cleaning

With over 5 years in business as Substantial Cleaning, and 10 years experience in professional cleaning total, we have built a reputation for offering a much higher quality cleaning service than our competitors. We have a team of experienced and skilled cleaners who use the latest cleaning techniques and equipment to ensure that your property is left spotless after your bond cleaning is complete.

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We offer bond cleaning for reasonable prices and excellent value

Our prices are reasonable, and the quality of our move out cleaning services are second to none. This means that we offer excellent value for money. We understand that moving out can be an expensive process, so we ensure that our services are competitively priced, without sacrificing on the quality required to get the job done right (and avoid unnecessary costs from having to repeat any part of the end of lease cleaning). We also offer transparent pricing with no hidden costs. We’ll always provide you with a quote to complete the work, and let you know if anything is going to cost extra, before we finish the bond cleaning job.

Request a quote today – here’s how it works:


Request a quote today

Tell us about your property & what’s required and request a quote today.


We’ll give you an approximate quote

We’ll come back to you within 24 hours with an approximate quote based on what you’ve told us.


We’ll inspect the property and complete a more accurate quote

When we arrive at the property to complete the clean (or beforehand if you prefer) we’ll inspect the property and give you a more accurate quote, based on our experience of what will be required to meet cleaning requirements.


We’ll complete the clean

We’ll always make sure the quote is agreed upon before we get started on the clean.

Servicing Toowoomba, Warwick, and surrounding areas

We provide our high-quality cleaning services in Toowoomba and Warwick, and surrounding areas, like Clifton, Allora, and Stanthorpe.

To view the specific information, like our normal open hours (we can clean outside these hours when needed), and direct contact information for each of our Toowoomba and Warwick branches, you can view our location information pages.

Toowoomba Information
Warwick Information

Map highlighting Toowoomba

Servicing Toowoomba, Warwick, and surrounding areas

If you want a reliable, effective and quality bond cleaning service, the bond cleaning team at Substantial Cleaning is your solution.

Give us a call today to book in your bond cleaning or get a customised bond cleaning quote based on your exact needs. We can get your bond cleaning sorted in next to no time.

When you request a quote, we’ll give you an approximate quote based on what you’ve told us. When we get to the property, we’ll give you a more accurate quote, after inspecting the property. We’ll keep you informed and updated every step of the way.

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